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IkePoR said:

Would you look at that - more Trump derangement.  You know, for people who hate "sandwich A" so much, you sure do like talking about it.

Now, back to my statement: I've found it difficult to meet one American that says they're having a better time over the last four years verses the prior four. You didn't address this, many leftists don't either.  

When I ask why they'd vote for Kamala, there's lots of platitudes(check) and diverting(check), before finally falling on "Trump's just x."(check) No policy they like or often even know about the candidate chosen for them, no honest fandom for their candidate, no moral reasoning for their candidate. They just hate the other guy.(check, check, check) 

I see this continues to be the case on these forums.  How disappointing.

Trump Derangement is the laziest excuse. It couldn't be that they have a genuine reason to dislike someone, they must be crazy. 

Why are you so deranged about Kamala?

It's a disingenuous claim. 

>You didn't address this, many leftists don't either

People do address this. Most of the things that have gotten worse are a direct result of things that have nothing to do with this administration. A lot of them are the result of the covid shutdowns that happened during Trump's presidency. There's other factors like the Russia Ukraine invasion, are you blaming that on Biden?

People do address this, and rather than even discussing the reasons, whether you agree with them or not, you handwave them away as if the people are just lazy and deranged.

How about trying to have an honest conversation?

>No policy they like or often even know about the candidate chosen for them

And yet 3 sentences later, you are giving credit to someone for giving policies they like. Which is it? 

>no honest fandom for their candidate, no moral reasoning for their candidate. They just hate the other guy

Fandom isn't a good thing. You shouldn't love your candidate to the point of calling yourself a fan.

You should be critical of any and all politicians. 

IkePoR said:

Hey Weincom look, someone else who hates sandwich A talking about sandwich A!  Again!  At least they actually shared some policy this time.

So 1. the potential for a progressive supreme court, 2. federal abortion rights and 3. IDRs. In other words - control, hedonism and free stuff.  Doesn't sound very American to me but I'm digressing.

1. Is there hard evidence to a better country under a progressive ruling supreme court? Compared to what?

2. Why ought we prescribe federal abortion freedom when America is far below replacement rate?

3. At what cost?  Is there a number on the lack of accountability?

1. Yes because progressives are pushing for more freedom. 

2. Why do you want to force women to give birth? Why is replacement rate more important to you than the individual freedom to make the choice?

3. What is the cost for someone to think it's okay to better our nation? We happily spend many trillions of dollars on wasteful military projects and there's never any accountability for those. Why is it so unthinkable to spend 1.5 trillion on something that helps people.  Money that has already been spent to be clear. Forgiving the student loan debt has no impact on the federal debt, because it's already part of it.