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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Man. American politics is weird. I just watched people cheering on the candidates like they were pop stars. It's soo fucking weird man.

Is it American exclusive? I know in the UK, Starmer was fucking boring, so people weren't exactly cheering him on as much as they were simply utterly sick of Tory rule, the Tories weren't boring but I don't mean that as a compliment, at this point, everyone was happy to take "boring" over whatever the fucking mess the Tories were but I look back at someone like Corbyn, he had a big following in the UK and people treated him like Americans treat Bernie...He didn't win but he had a big hardcore following who felt for various reasons, a personal connection to him.

People cheering cause they support them and want them to win.

A lot of politicians come across as boring snobs completely out of touch with the general public, some just come across as boring but will get the job done, some have a personality that inspires and gives hope to people, others have a personality to allow people to direct their anger into something, I don't think America has dibs on politicians who are cheered and liked though.

It's American exclusive and insanely weird. Let them come across as boring snobs, it's better than wanna be rockstars, personality should be left our of politics, I want a boring snob or a tool that can be easily read. I don't want stardom with political figures it's so scary.