Gettysburg4 said: Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'. |
Dude, go out and have a drink. Meet new people and realize that there isn't some hive mind within any group, bc we all want to live our lives. Get yourself a black or jewish girlfriend if you cant get this nazi crap out of your head, it's poison bc nobody will want to be near you
This reads like Alex Jones on a coke Binge and that's not a compliment. The sooner you get these nazi conspiracies out of your head, the sooner you can be less of a nutcase and start improving your life. And I know you're reading this bc you want to see what became of your final troll post.