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G2ThaUNiT said:
drkohler said:

No, this is what happens taking the increased manufacturing costs into account. Sony doesn't want to lose money on hardware, hence this $700 price tag is not really unexpected.

We will see how (un?-)well this thing sells, though. Too many people still think they can get higher end PC performance in a cheap console form. That is not going to happen anymore. Of course that begs the question of what MS/Sony will do with their next console generation. You want RT4090 performance, you pay RT4090 prices..

That's the thing though. The entire console has been built around selling your console hardware at a loss, and then making money on software and accessories. We've seen Sony get arrogant before when it came to the PS3. They had so much runaway success with no competition for 2 consecutive generations that they literally said that people would be willing to work a second job to get a PS3. 

Now with again the runaway success of the PS4 and PS5, Sony is back to that level of arrogance. Competition brings prices down. That's always been the rule and it always will be. 

Sony would be stupid to take hardware losses any longer. Why should they? Because of XBox? Haha.

That stuff is in the past, business wise they'd be idiots to continue eating hardware losses for no reason. 

People are just going to have to get used to this range of pricing as the new normal as I doubt it will be any less for a PS6 and maybe even more.