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LegitHyperbole said:

I would have thought Metal Gear solid would win hands down, not just cause it's a great game but it's one that defined how the industry shaped itself for years after. It brought about cinematic story telling in games for better or worse and while often worse it just goes to show how ahead of itself it was.

Metal Gear Solid was a work of art on the PSX.

The interesting thing is that they did a PS2 remaster called Twin Snakes with updated graphics, and somehow made it look a lot worse. Less sharp and atmospheric - the chilling ice from the PSX looked like foam and steam on Twin Snakes.

IMO, graphical prowess of a console doesn’t necessarily make the games look or feel better. MGS is a good example of this.

It’s similar on FF games (and this is just my opinion, I don’t know how others feel), it wasn’t until the Pixel Remasters came out that updated graphics looked as good/better than the originals - and that was mainly because they didn’t try to update them, but make them look as similar as possible to the originals - fixing errors, blurs, artefacts, other problems that updated hardware and such might bring out. In other words, it looked like the NES/SNES if the NES/SNES were better versions of their own hardware (eliminating ghosting, flickering, and such created by the hardware limitations).

Now, I wish something like this was done for the original MGS. I think that would be excellent. Actually! Did they do that on the latest release? (the collection)

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.