Detriot become human is by far the pinnacle of the genre, you don't realize how deep the choice system is until you go for the platinum, looking at the flow charts just don't cut seeing the differences play out. Not to mention it's an amazing character story, Connor in particular and the buddy cop dynamic is the best in genre, I'm surprised they didn't make a sequel based just on that. However the earlier games aren't nearly as well done in retrospect and rely on story twists more than choices. They were okay for the time but after Deteoit the bar had been raised significantly, very much astronomically.
Tell tale is trash conpared to the other two, I've played many of them put all they really are visual novels.
Super massive done bloody amazing with Until Dawn but these smaller games don't work for many reasons. Character arks have no chance to unfold for example, you just feel like you're going through the motions and has a feeling like a visual novel with small choices. They aren't interesting enough to replay either and that's where the genre really shines, when you replay Detroit or Until Dawn and see the changes unfold, sometimes cutting off massive amounts of content.