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Wman1996 said:

They have an ungodly amount of IP in the video game space that they don't use. Some only got two games or were based around fads or hardware so it makes sense to leave them in the past or at least only port them without a new installment or remake.
Here are some Sony IPs that don't need to be dormant or dead, even if it means changing studios or directors/producers.
Twisted Metal, Ape Escape
Jak & Dakter, Sly Cooper, Killzone
Resistance, Infamous
Not to mention even something like Everybody's Golf that is approaching or in dormant status. LittleBigPlanet could use a 4th numbered game or a Sackboy 2.
In the movie and tv space, I kind of get it. They don't have the flagship IPs that Warner Bros. and Disney have.
Also, a great way to capitalize on their IP is PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale 2, done better this time. Remove the forced Super Moves needed for a KO and bring back some characters in addition to adding the large amount created since the game (Joel & Ellie, Aloy, etc.)

In their defence I think Sack boy and LBP wasn't working in sales and they did Everybody's golf VR (which is an amazing title, best one in the series) but I agree. They should bring out Sly, Jak ape escape etc as smaller Astrobot like titles in between the big Naughty Dog and Santamonica stuff. And if they continue to chase Live service they have tested IP to work with like Socom and Twisted Metal. Killzone would be absolutely perfect as a Destiny like looter shooter and the lore and setting is beyond perfect to easily integrate into that genre. Something they should have put bungie with guidance from Guerrila.