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I was perusing some random site on the Internet and came across this.

Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki speaking with Financial Times stated Sony doesn't have enough original IP. This includes for games, films, and anime.

"Whether it's for games, films or anime, we don't have that much IP that we fostered from the beginning," Totoki. "We're lacking the early phase (of IP) and that's an issue for us."

I agree and disagree. They have much IP, a lot of which they won't use. Days Gone. Jak and Daxter. Bloodborne. Twisted Metal. Wild Arms. Legend of Dragoon. Socom. Syphon filter... I can go on buuuut he surely had a point that it looks barren in 2024 cause for one they're not using the IP they have and their games are taking ages to build and now with these live service disasters that never had a chance of becoming golden goose IP are tainting the PS image. I feel like they are a stain on Sonys reputation and should be put in the ground before they are released to cause more damgae. They really need an Uncharted/The Last of Us/Horizon level additions once again. Should have already happened by this late in the gen at least for one game. Everything that was new was too early in the gen to pick up that kind of steam, like Returnal. 
