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JuliusHackebeil said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Your entire premise is based on the assumption you can select characters pronouns/gender. It's a false premise. 

You're not brainroted for not believing in gender theory, you're at worst uninformed. You're brainroted if you are one of those chronically online people who choose to fight with an inexistent enemy

Guys for some reason decided this game is woke and are creating narratives to get angry for no reason. This is typical deranged political minions behavior. If you're like that, you're deranged 

This was hardly my "entire premise", rather one of many points I argued. But I am glad to hear that it is not a choice. Makes it somewhat more consistent at least. Honestly, thanks for clearing that up.

And I can see how the connection between Concord and its characters and pronoun inclusion on one side and authoritarian cuts to free speech on the other side seems flimsy. But rest assured, it is there. The more alternative or neo-pronouns are found in Concord, the more it becomes normal to use them. The more it becomes normal to use them, the more it becomes abnormal to speak out against them. The more it becomes abnormal/socially unaccepable to speak out against them, the more legislation we will see to protect them. We are already at a point where this becomes a vicous cycle.

You said there are people suffering from brainrot because they fight against inexistent enemies. I would argue instead of "fight" to use "speaking out against" and instead of "enemy" to use "uninformed people", "trend chasers" and "virtue signalers". Then it fits for me. The truly aweful psychos you would have to fight against. But I don't do that.

Make no mistake though, all of them do in fact exist. Hence all the horrible social practices, people who cannot function, ideas from universities, legislation, policing of thought crimes and unending list of victims to this neo-religion. 

I would strongly recommend to watch this 8 min video from the ever on point Andrew Doyle for his format "free speech nation". Really sums up many of my points quite well while pointing to some specific cases. If you don't want to watch, let me at least leave you with a quote from the video: "the basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words."

-Philip K. Dick

Andrew Doyle Free Speech Nation

Ps: art (like video games) is is a rather special case as a political platform. And propaganda works really well and is historically commonly used within.

I’m really enjoying and appreciating your thoughtful and eloquent replies. You echo my views on the matter perfectly and far more succinctly and calmly than I can. Thank you.