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curl-6 said:

The more I think about it, the more I'm sure these horrendous designs were flagged as an issue during development, but whoever was in charge decided to be stubborn and dismiss any criticism, thinking they knew better and wanting to force their preferences on others.

There's just no way a team of industry professionals looked at this garbage and honestly thought "yeah, this is what gamers want."

I wonder if this entire theme was part of the design from the very beginning, which would make speaking out against it almost impossible, especially if you were added to the team later on.

Regardless, you're right, it's very hard to believe that a studio of this size had NO ONE with an understanding of what makes professional character designs work.  I think that the people in charge had an agenda they wanted to pursue that they put above everything else.  No doubt in my mind that focus groups would have confirmed that the designs aren't widely appealing, as well.

Some developers/producers don't seem to understand that creating a product that appeals to enough people to make your project successful should be your FIRST PRIORITY.  Whatever message they want to get across isn't going to mean a damn thing if your work is a failure.

However, that begs the question of what the hell Sony was thinking when they approved funding?

Ultimately, I believe this whole situation boils down to Concord grossly overestimating it's target audience.  There are only so many "activists" who are going to plonk down $40 just to play drab characters.