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I've gone full digital since the PS4 came around. Bought myself the discless PS5 because had no use for the drive. It's just convenient, I can download everything without leaving my couch and there's no useless clutter in the home.
I see no value in collecting physical boxes of anything, let alone games. I get what I need from a game and then move on. There's so many games out there to see and experience, too many to keep replaying the same games over and over.
There's an argument for resale value as a financial thing, that I do see. But you can also just wait for a sale, be it physical or digital.
Yeah, you can argue that you don't "really own" a digital product, but the owning part itself is not important to me. I just want the experience I paid for. Like going to the movies or an amusement park, you don't get to own them either, but you enjoy them. In fact, the most important things in your life you don't get to carry around in your pocket or keep in a drawer. Why would you abandon something you love because you don't get to do that?
No shade on anyone, just my two cents.