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Beat Nioh 2. Easily one of the most punishing games I've ever played, not in difficulty just punishment for any mistake you make or taking your eye off the ball. This is a game for souls players who are on the more masochistic side, I'm not sure I enjoyed half of it but I can recognise that it's a great game and too keep me hooked to it (50 hours the last 17 days) after time and time again it kicks me in the balls then it's doing things right and hakf the time I was having a blast. It's an odd thing, I never really felt stuck and almost always got a boss dead on the second or third try if not the first and I was always making progress if slowly at times through the levels but death is at every turn and seemingly every few feet if you're not on point at all times. I would consider this in or around 5x harder than Nioh (apart from the double bosses in Nioh late game, those were ruthless) and about 10x harder than team Ninjas more recent Wo Lon Fallen Dynasty. I believe they balanced this for co-op but now fuck all people are online now. I got around half a dozen people to come to my aid and only really needed them the one time on a gimmick boss, so it's woshy washy. One companion that did come to my aid was next level, he showed me where all the collectibles were and didn't miss a thing in a maze like level. Love to see community like that.
Level design is servicable for the majority but it can even become worse than ass at times when the developers think they're being smart, creating a maze and often times mediocre, lots of resued maps on side content which is all very formulaic and not very interesting, both are an excuse to excercise the amazing combat system of the game. Collectibles that influence your game experience and provide you with buffs is a great idea but they are poorly placed and uninteresting. I used a guide from the get go.
All in all, great game albeit I wish they'd have toned down some of the punishment just a tad, it was toeing the line between fun and unfun.
I might stay for a bit of the end game, NG+ deal and see if there's any builds I can get rolling and help some people out online since few else are doing it, but man has it exhausted me.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 01 September 2024