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Chrkeller said:

I have a 3050, 4070 and a 4090.  I can factually tell you memory bandwidth is a bottleneck.

And I'm not going to be surprised.  I've played dozens of games on a big screen via a 3050, 4070 and a 4090.  

"big screen". - You are likely pushing settings that are untenable for those parts.
Again... I suggest you watch the evidence/video I presented earlier.. You can't claim I am wrong just because anecdotal "opinions".

I presented evidence.

Chrkeller said:

The memory bandwidth of the switch 2 is going require numerous downgrades.  On a big screen via a dock it will be very noticeable.  It will be a bottleneck like I said on page 1.

-If- it's a mobile form factor, it will ALWAYS require downgrades to port games to it.

You cannot take a console like the Playstation 5 with a TDP of 180W or the Xbox Series X with a TDP of 200W and expect it to run games at 15-25W without concessions.
Laws of physics does come into play.

The point is... 100-150GB/s is "good enough" for the resolutions and settings a mobile device will target.

Chrkeller said:

If games are ported will be a function of time, money and effort.  I suspect it will be hit or miss based on the developer.  Could I see some developers not wanting to port because of the memory bandwidth issue?  Absolutely.  Could I see some developers putting in the effort?  Absolutely.

Developers will always have a reason not to do something, it's all well and good to talk hypotheticals.

Case in point... Xbox Series S/X does actually miss out on games and it's not due to hardware capabilities.

Chrkeller said:

But I'm not going to pretend a low memory bandwidth doesn't impact ease of porting, because it does.  And Hogwarts is a great example.  It isn't a port of the original version.  It had to be customized due to hardware limitations.  Not all developers are going to put in the effort.  

The point I am trying to convey is that Hogwarts is running on a console with PS3 levels of bandwidth... But is a game that released on a console with over 22x the memory bandwidth of the Switch.

And they still made it work.

The next gen Switch, whatever hardware it's going to have isn't going to have that same delta in hardware differences, which means easier porting.

Hogwarts runs fine on AMD powered handhelds with 88-120GB/s of bandwidth and looks absolutely stellar... The Rog Ally X can get over 60fps.

Chrkeller said:

Hardware constraints 100% will have an impact on ports.  There is absolutely no denying this.  

Up to a point.

Game engines are extremely scalable these days, especially as game engines are still designed with 8th gen hardware limits in mind.

Tober said:

Just to add to your comments. I think a big thing is that the Switch2 will have a big battery within its casing. Stand alone home consoles do no have that. This limits acceptable heat and therefore power delivery. Including docked. It's not just GPU, CPU, RAM or other factors. Just having a battery in there will ask for a compromise.

Mobile chips have gotten more efficient and capable over the years, lets not forget.

The Tegra in the Switch released in 2015... Things have improved on every front in the last decade.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--