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You know, I said I'd quit gaming but I think I accidentally misinterpreted.

I meant I would quit CONSOLE gaming and be a PC only gamer if things went all digital. Consoles are walled off PCs with security and antipiracy measures. Making things digital only where they could, at any moment, strip the content away from me or no longer offer the content and then I'd have to hack the console in order to play said content? No thank you.

I'd rather stick with PC where piracy is easy. If someone takes digital content "away" from PC, you can find ways to access it easily regardless. I want to have some amount of control over the content I'm buying, and if I can't have direct control then I want some flexibility in not being completely powerless.

The only exception is maybe Nintendo games, but, even then...Nintendo is the worst digital offender and I might stay stubborn out of sheer principle.