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Chrkeller said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I find it odd that know one wants to talk about general AI or Super intelligence, it's the biggest tech advancement in the history of humanity which will change things more than any tech revolution that has already happened. It's on par with written language for how transformative this could be and exceeds the nuclear bomb on how destructive it could be..

I think it interesting, but I don't know how to view it.  On one hand it will advance knowledge, understanding, manufacturing, etc.  On the other hand, it will likely put a lot of people out of work.  How society reacts to there being a lot less jobs when AI and modelling takes over is going to be curious.  I don't think it will impact my career too much, I am on the back 9.  But for my kids...  not sure.  

I'm more interested to see how the Elities react and use it to their advantagei. If it's gets past a certain amount of advancement they won't need us anymore, and that's a scary thought. It could bring about an golden age if implemented right, one not far off that of star trek without the space exploration, we'd want for nothing but it could also destroy us if implemented badly. One things for sure is it is gonna change the world far from what we know it today for better or worse. We've been here before, the industrial revolution but people out of work time and again, the computer age put people out of work again and again. Hell small things like phone cameras recked the the photography industry more recently. This will just happen to all industries at once and more quickly than before, it could also open up new paths like Cars opening up the Taxi industry, car manufacturing factories, more jobs in the oil industry etc. I just can't think of any idustry that it will create. 

Possibly we live on UBI until post scarsity and then we live like something from a utopian sci fi novel. Possibly society crumbles around us cause it's too transformative a technology. Possibly it reaches singularity super fast, concretely ignore us while it turns the planet into something beneficial to it's needs and we return to the wildernesses that's left to live like cavemen again. Perhaps we solve all the last musteries of nature and become an interstellar civilization under the guidance of a super intelligent system that has our back. Literally nothing is off the table here and our imagination isn't even the limit with ASI.