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CosmicSex said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I hope you're right, I've never seen things so bad and it feels like you lit are experiencing what Europe did in the early part of the last century. Okay, if America can repair things do you think it's possible for the UK too? Or do you think there is a very likely possibility of apartheid there? Both USA and UK seem hopeless bit maybe it's the loudness of the Internet that is causing that feeling. 

I'm not privy to the situation in the UK but there is always hope because things have always been worse in hindsight.   And you are 100% right that the internet and especially social media takes negativity and amplifies it 10 times.  Sometimes on purpose to create chaos.   You brought up a good point earlier about AI and I have no idea how we are going to deal with that but I have faith.  People are already sounding the alarm. 

Sam Altman said it'll end capitalism and I believe him, Ubi is only a plaster that'll help things transition more easily but yep, if there is war time and AGI is developed along side it we're screwed. If it's developed in peace time we have a chance but it's still gonna reck everything and preparations need to be made soon less we flirt with collapse amist the disruption it'll bring. Eirc Weinstien recently said this stuff should be in a military base and while I disagree it definitely shouldn't be developed in the way it is now when competition amongst business, it's bat shit insane. I too have a little bit of faith as they have started to iteratively release models at slower pace, it was looking bleak there for a bit when every other week there's be a new advancement. Thank God it's slowing down but lord knows what they have behind closed doors.