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twintail said:
curl-6 said:

A game like this really needs have cool/sexy/badass characters, whereas the character design in Concord is some of the worst I've ever seen

This is more an indictment of just how sorry a state gaming is in right now.

That a game needs to confirm to some set standard, outside of gameplay fun factor, to be seen as ok enough to play only continues to contribute to the homogenisation of games.

Presentation is important, though. A good chunk of the reason Overwatch became big so fast even before gameplay came out was because the designs were appealing. Many new IPs rely solely on their visual appeal to garner the public's initial attention, and we've all bought games because they had great visuals or great character designs, it's something natural. And the generral public more or less agrees that Concord's designs range from boringly mediocre to outright ugly.

People say "don't judge a book by its cover", but if someone does not take the time and effort into crafting a decent presentation, it bodes ill for the rest of the project.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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