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The other thing with dedicated consoles is that graphics and game development at that level has reached a point where top shelf games cost a fortune and can take like 6+ years to make.

Nintendo saw this coming way back in 2005, when Iwata spoke about the rising costs of development as games grew more technically complex. They foresaw the graphics arms race growing increasingly costly and bowed out of it, a choice that has spared them a lot of the struggles that Sony and Microsoft went through both in the 7th gen and more recently.

Going back to a traditional console now mean they too would be hammered by ever longer and costlier dev cycles.

Vodacixi said:
Chrkeller said:

Perhaps true back in the day.  But now the Remake trumps all.  

Ehhhh... Remake doesn't have pointer controls though. To me that's a big deal. It's the reason I still go back to Metroid Prime Trilogy even though Prime Remastered exists.

Same here, well implemented pointer controls just feel so much better to me than analogue sticks. Games like RE4, the Prime Trilogy, Sin & Punishment 2, etc play like a dream this way.