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PDF said:
sundin13 said:

So with Kennedy looking to drop out, do we think this will have any effect on the race? Seems like Kennedy was pulling from Trump more often than not in five way polling, so there is a reasonable chance that this will add a point or so to Trump's polling in some states if the polling is to be trusted. Thoughts?

RFK was pulling about equal from Trump and Biden but now it seems like some of RFK support has gone to Kamala. That would assume the remaining support he has would go to Trump. It is obvious RFK dropping out helps Trump but the question is how much. 

I think if Trump actually promises RFK a cabinet seat then I think a good chunk of RFK supporters go to Trump. If he just drops out and endorses, I think many of the RFK supporters just stay home. Anecdotal but the ones that I know do no like Trump and it would take a bit of convincing to vote for him.

The Project 2025 architect wants Trump to bring Bobby Junior on board as HHS Secretary, which would put him in charge of the CDC and FDA.

That's not just letting the fox guard the henhouse. That's letting the fox have free run of the henhouse.