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I know there's far more important issues and I have dozens of ideas in my mind about what things we should do to VGChartz but so little people to bounce my ideas off, Lol. I enjoyed doing that with Talon because I genuinely wanted to help make the site a better place but there's just so much stuff, the site Imo is too unfocused due to having so much stuff, how can one Admin work between GameDB, Articles, Forums, Charts, Design, etc. Across Desktop and Mobile too, on a 10+ year old codebase.

Anyway, this sort of links into that but I personally think we should remove Prediction League from the front page and just have the rounds linked in an ongoing thread and I think we should remove Poll of the Week from the front page too and just have it as an "Important" tagged thread for a week at a time (Bandorr could whip that functionality up easy) and you've all seen how "Important" threads appear.

I'm not a fan of how PotW currently works in the sense that thread polls can only be voted on by logged in users and the votes are based on account while PotW voted through the front page is based on IP so it's easily cheated, botted, etc. It's not a true representation of the communities opinion and I think we should be encouraging sign ups too.

I like the concept behind Avatars shown on front page but it's so messy, they all need to conform to the same size or be removed Imo.

The key focus of the site needs to be Articles/Charts and Forums. Front page is far too busy, too intimidating, too much for new users.

The reason I list minor stuff for now is because we literally only have Bandorr, I can't say to the fella "DO A MASSIVE COMPLETE TOTAL REVAMP OF THE ENTIRE SITE, DESKTOP AND MOBILE TOO!" so when people say "why are we talking about this minor stuff?" it's literally cause we don't have the manpower to talk about any massive changes to the site, Lol but there's small things we can do to improve UX, functionality, features, etc.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 August 2024