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JWeinCom said:
Jumpin said:

I've been playing WWE in my home office during work mornings (since I'm the only one in my family who wants to watch it more than once a month! :D), thus why I'm only getting to Smackdown on Monday mornings.

I will say this, Andrade puts on stellar matches all the time, the crowd gets really into it. Probably in the top organically ascending stars right now in my personal estimation. I can't help but have this music go through my head every single match he has:

On a related note. I feel like almost every star is ascending in WWE right now. Maybe it's because so many of the established stars are on the bench. But it feels like late 1999 to mid-2000 in that way, where it felt like almost everyone on the show is a rising star. Some more than others. There are a few that aren't, a small minority are stagnant (Carlito, Seth, Tyler Bate, Ivy Nile), even fewer are actually falling/languishing (Bayley is the only one that comes to mind). It's like in NXT a few years ago, where it felt like 95% of the talent were on the upswing.

It feels a bit more like the good part of Russo's booking. While there was a lot of bad stuff with Russo booking, the positive thing is that he always tried to have everyone on the roster doing something. Even with the midcard there was something going on.

At least in the last few years of the Vince era there were a lot of cold matches. Meaning just two people in the ring without much of a reason to take up time. But now, pretty much everyone is involved in something. It's not always working (see the Final Testament) but pretty much everyone is involved in something. Makes the show so much easier to watch. And it gives you a reason to care outside of the main events. 

Definitely the best the WWE has been in a long time. 

Yeah, the Final Testament feels like they have a lot of potential, but they're stuck in a Jericho-spills-coffee-on-Kane level storyline.

I hate to go Internet-booker, but I'm wondering if they need to have a bit of a gimmick change, right now they feel a bit like the Truth Commission when there's the Ministry and the Brood who are going to get first dibs on those cult-storylines.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 19 August 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.