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Xxain said:


What would we need for a new site/or huge overhaul?

Who's paying them? Lol.

Anyway...This site I'd say needs at least a few experienced Web Developers at minimum given all the stuff it has (GameDB, Forums, Articles, Profiles, Charts/Tools, etc.) Desktop + Mobile and a Web Designer, all will have to be unpaid volunteers and thus do it in their own free time and be vetted by the volunteer staff, Lol. Only way they could get paid is through VGC Supporter but that's already split between Writers (Admins too?) and is a low amount so it would basically be paying them nothing still.

Bandorr is all we have right now, Talon vanished, I said this even when we had Talon, we need more people.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 August 2024