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Found a game that is truly the Dark souls of Dark souls games. Nioh 2. I know why I quit this game when it released now. Holy hell is it difficult, just progressing through a level is 10x harder than the original Nioh and tougher than any souls game, even souls 2. I've read many times that nioh 2 is the easier game but I don't see it. So, I'm in for some punishment with this one if I can progress at all, the first three bosses have given me souls end game boss worth of trouble and by the time you make it to a new area you're under leveled even if you do all the content on the previous map. I remember being 10 levels short of the recommended in the third area and I just gave up rather than farming levels. Idk what they were thinking with this cause the difficulty funnels you into tanky slow builds cause you need the armour to survive but then you can't deal with the fast enemy attacks which are lightning speed so this time I'm just gonna go full on glass cannon with a switchblade and rely on magic buffs to get me through. It's fucking me so hard though, even before the boss of a level I've raked up a dozen or more deaths. I'm gonna try anyway and see if the fun factor can outweigh the frustration.