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DroidKnight said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Nice detailed breakdown down. Is there an app you can use to quantify this? I'd really like those stats accurately and I don't trust my math. I think mine might be a ways off to, averaging doesn't work. I was able to get 22 hours this week so far but only 15 last week so I feel my 2 hour a day average doesn't represent my gaming time very well. All I know is I'm up to 480 hours (give or take 10 hours) since Mid Febuary when I started Hardcore gaming again. Can you give me stats on that? 

This weekend I plan to fo nothing else but game and finish the games I have in rotation. I'm getting more hardcore as the year progresses. 

I wish.  Sad to say, I track tons of useless information by hand on columnar spreadsheet pads, then type them up for archives.  

Why would it be sad to say? Yeah, it's a bit anal but it's also super satisfying to compile and have that data. I have to be very careful cause I used to have OCD and tendencies from autism to get way too into the details, like listing and lining up every game I wanted to buy based on magazine previews or listing all the objectives I had to complete in a game (before trophies), feels like back then I spent more time compiling data than I did playing games but that said I'd like to get my data a little more accurate and parsed like yours. 

Do you account for time spent in games you haven't finished and how do you keep track of time? I'm eyeballing the clock roughly and round to the closest 15 minutes, for long games I'm rounding out to the hour mark currently but might start logging with a stop watch to the minute. Also, do you count demos, trials and betas as time played? I feel they should be left out for some reason I can't figure out.