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Mummelmann said:

There are similar issues, and subsequent movements among the population, in several countries right now. Canada is also seeing a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, the same goes here in Sweden. The biggest issue in threads and conversation like this, by far in my opinion, is the polarized nature of the discussion. It's either full-blood Commies or outright Nazis, one way or the other, causing all the issues, at least that's what we're told. Angry, often misguided, people cause problems and start riots, and their behavior and actions are used as the basis to dismiss any valid concern and argument that happens to be tied to the same root cause. More and more definitions, opinions, and qualities are squeezed under huge ideological umbrellas that house a whole host of issues and subjects. If you make a statement or argument that is counter to just a single one of those housed under one of said umbrellas; you're categorically lumped into the same corner as everything and everyone else under there. In addition, you're assumed to be against everything and everyone under the opposite/other umbrella of terms, subjects, and definitions.

Around these parts, there are two main stories about immigration:

1: Migrants are nothing but trouble, will never contribute anything, and should not be allowed.

Exactly. Well said. That's why I think it's important to discuss this without saying they are out right nazis cause they obviously are not, you see the ones that get interviewed or just from videos and they are everyday working class people of all ages, in some videos it's teens doing the rioting which is usually the case for any riot. They are so obviously made up majourly of working class people who were misinformed by Far Right people. The demonisation is only going to make things worse, perhaps even have these people embrace the far right label. 

I've seen many independent interviews (and MSM ones too) where people at the protests all say they don't want to be called alt tight or far right. Holding signs saying they aren't far right but no-one listens since the media and Government has made reality once again, and now they are alt right thugs.