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Ryuu96 said:
Runa216 said:

Honestly, the more I see the more baffled I am that anyone can genuinely look at Trump and his party and not immediately laugh them out of every building they're in.

They're so consistently bigoted in every way. Like, they hate all religion that isn't Christianity. they hate all people who aren't American and/or white. They hate women. They hate anyone that isn't cis/het.

They clearly don't understand shit about economics or international relations.

They clearly hate science and education and actual facts.

And to top it all off they're all fucking clowns. The only one I Was kinda scared of actually getting shit done was Pence and they tried to hang him for daring to not lick the taint of the orange dictator.

They lie, they're criminals, they're terrible in virtually every way. How can anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together not see them for the bullshit they represent and the lies they so clearly keep peddling? Like, it's not even subtle lies or hard to define stances. It's just straight up "Fuck Mexicans, they're all rapists" and "Fuck Muslims they're all terrorists" and "Women don't deserve to have bodily autonomy" And "All queers are pedophiles" And "All blacks are criminals" just goes on and on and on and on. They don't believe in climate change, they are trying to dismantle the department of education, they hate the idea that in the richest country in the world we could ALL be happy and, how can anyone ACTUALLY look at them and then think Liberals are demons?

Nobody's perfect. There are shit people everywhere but like...Liberals want healthcare, care about the environment, are traditionally the opposite of bigoted, believe in positive international relations, believe everyone deserves respect, etc...And we're Not fucking pedos because we don't hate trans people. Like fuck all the way off. I'm so sick of these politics. So much idiocy masquerading as policy.

And HArris/Walz is the first time I've been in any way optimistic about America since 2016. They look to have a good grip on the people and the issues that matter without being weird-assed couch-fucking, 34-time indicted criminals. Like how is this even a fight?

Still millions of bigots but also millions of people who don't care about all of that and only care about the economy and when they're hurting to afford basic necessities they'll blame the current president and stupidly vote in the idiot in the blind belief he will improve things for them because apparently, everyone suffers from short-term memory loss! It's going to be close, it's sad that it will be close, it is what it is. Hopefully Democrats don't take their foot off the gas, there is too much at risk both domestically and internationally.

"They hate all religion that isn't Christianity." - Yeah, and they barely understand Christianity at that, Trump ain't ever touched that book in his life, they just use it to garner support because America is a deeply religious country. Trump doesn't care about Christianity and especially doesn't care about Christians unless they vote for him, Lol.

Yep, it’s a combination of bigotry & ignorance.

I’m not going to sugar coat it, if you vote for Trump because of social issues, you’re a bigot and if you vote for Trump because of economic issues, unless you’re rich, it’s due to ignorance.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.