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I mean, I have not been here in years, but threads used to always go off the rails. It was only for a few years that mods even cracked down on thread derailment. I think that was after I left though, because before it was moderated, but only to some extent. That was before Smeags and maybe MontanaHatchet left though.

If I had to wager a guess. Moderation may have gone down as site numbers went down. Maybe they got to the point where they were nervous they were being too harsh. But in actuality maybe they were not being too harsh. I am sure it is a hard line to walk on. Sites across the Internet live as die by moderation. Too lenient and you alienate those who want to have proper dialogue with one another. To harsh and you may alienate the other side of the line.

But I would not know why the forums have become what they have become. Site must be making money because Brett hasn't closed it down yet or if he sold it, they've not shut it down yet.

Tell me this, since I have been out of the loop for half a decade or so, is there much to talk about..gamewise these days? I see political threads and other non-gaming threads taking up a lot of room on a gaming site. Maybe right now is just a big lull in games? Sony is not over taking the Nintendo platform this gen, yada yada yada. Here we are?

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