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XtremeBG said:
Norion said:

I think July should be at least close to 300k due to CF25 though it could get a bit tough during August-October. I do expect a holiday good enough to reach 5m or at least get very close since it sold a little bit better holiday 2023 than holiday 2022 cause December was up by quite a bit even though every other month that year was down so with how important holiday sales are to Xbox I expect they'll try to make sure the decline isn't that big for it then.

I think they already tried - with the announcement of the 3 new models, which brings nothing new to the table and with the prices they put, I don't think it will boost sales more than without them. Hopefully they have something new, hidden under their slave for the holidays. Price cut, by 100$ (since it's been 50$ every holiday) even temporary one, would greatly improve the sales, which will surely help it break the 5M.

The lack of an exciting revision is a negative for sure since a significantly more powerful one would let them easily reach 5m. Something I think could help a bit is how huge 2025 is gonna be. It looks like it could be easily the biggest year of this console generation so perhaps some of the remaining people will finally upgrade to a current gen system this holiday in preparation for that.