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curl-6 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Those must be some awful ports but like you said, at least it's playable and there's something to be said about using your imagination although with that loss of quality you almost expect for them to charge less on Switch. It just seems worse with this game though cuase part of the sell is the open world and Hogwarts, it's a big chunk of the initial appeal.  If this was a game where the open world geography and assets take more of a back seat like Shadow of Mordor, Borderlands or Arkham knight, it'd be easier to overlook but I assume since you listed them they must be on the broken side.  

There were pretty terrible; Shadow of Mordor on PS3 not only runs below 20fps a lot of the time but has near constant audio stuttering that's painful to listen to. The original version of Ark on Switch was so bad it still boggles my mind that they saw fit to release it. Borderlands 2 on Vita is a very ambitious port but spends a lot of its time well below 20fps.

There should be laws in place against that.