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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I'm in two minds on Xenoblade 3; on the one hand I personally wouldn't consider it one of the best looking Switch games, but on the other I can see why it was chosen by DF as it presents huge open worlds with a lot of nice effects work like temporal upsampling, screen space reflections, cloud simulation, per-object motion blur, and bokeh depth of field.

So while I wouldn't say it's a great looking game, I certainly wouldn't say it looks terrible by Switch standards, considering the scale it's pushing.

I really don't believe this is good by switch standards. Developers should focus on a scale that runs well on the hardware, not 540p and looks like mud. This looks terrible to me. looking at the red dead pics i posted red dead looks miles better.

It's ultimately down to personal preference; like I said, I personally don't consider Xenoblade 3 to be one of the best looking Switch games, but on a technical level it is a more demanding game than Red Dead. Which you prefer depends largely on aesthetics.

For me, Tears of the Kingdom is the best looking open world game on Switch, thanks to a combination of a gorgeous art style with impressive technical effects.