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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I'm not saying GTA5 isn't impressive; as far as my own understanding of game tech goes (I am not an expert, but I read about it a lot) what it accomplishes on PS3/360 is a borderline miracle in terms of how much complexity it pushes while still maintaining a high visual bar for the hardware.

As you say, the games are very different; BOTW is supposed to represent a world where only a few small communities remain, so it never sets out to create the kind of bustling metropolis we see in GTA5.

As for Kakariko, it should be noted that while it may not seem terribly complex on the surface, its demands in terms of NPCs and the increase in draw calls for all the various objects and props are being added on top of all the other stuff that BOTW is running in the background, like the wind simulation affecting everything from particles to vegetation to clouds, streaming data in and out of memory, etc. There's a lot going on under the hood that may not look impressive on the surface but takes up a lot of processing time.

I think this is exactly my point it's impossible to look at 2 different games and engines, 2 different a goals and say which is factually more impressive  unless one clearly blows one out of the water so it's subjective unless thw differnce is big. None of us have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of each engine or the complexity of their inner structure. My argument is it's subjective, but permalite act like his view point is factual that's what the main arument about. 

I just booted up BOTW and red dead for on on my latop and you can clearly see red dead has way more detail much better quality shadows every where, but of course zelda is has more interactivy but holy shit does red dead look beautiful on switch, so which one is technically more demanding is always gonna be subjective.

i'm blown away how good this looks

Red Dead is a great looking game, but so is BOTW.

BOTW does push a lot of demanding effects not present in Red Dead, like individual polygonal blades of grass and dynamic particles.

It's been a long time since I played Red Dead so I can't remember what it's solution for reflections was, but from memory I don't think it had a global illumination system or volumetric lighting like BOTW does.