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I'm sure loads of these threads get made and people here might be sick of them but I'm fairly new here. I'm go first and pull partially from a comment in another thread.

The Witcher 3 should have held the crown. [Game Informers top 100] Still very few games have reached the level of exceptionalism in all aspects of how a game is crafted as that game achieved. Usually there is something that disappoints or flaws to over look but with TW3 (after they fixed the launch issues) it's simply perfect in every area like the music, art, atmosphere, story, cutscenes, freedom, choice, graphics, VA, level design, quest design, itemzation, gameplay loop, pacing etc. and what makes it my GOAT is it's able to keep that level of consistency across insane scope in the base game and then still excel in further expanding the game with massive and exceptional expansion which are close to games in themselves. The game was my GOAT after launch but the fact that they ironed out those flaws and refined the game, fixing all issues cemented it in place.

The game is immense in size but filled with the tiniest of details all over it's huge scope that make the world feel alive and adds that TLC. So much love and care went into it and it oozes out as you play, such large chunks of the game, possibly even the best parts might be completely optional and missed by any player. The game is all go but at the same time laid back in style and tone. If I were to have unlimited resources and the most talented team in the world, The Witcher 3 is close to the game I would create in that imagery scenario. Very close indeed. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 26 July 2024