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RolStoppable said:
Chrkeller said:

GOP has bad apples, a lot of them.  But broad painting and generalizations are not fruit.

If said I democrats are baby killing thieves who steal from working Americans...  how helpful to the discuss would it be?

So no, he is shit posting.

Attack specific people, not the whole party.  Many of us do not agree with the direction the party has taken.  


I hope, and think, Vance will help lose the election.  And maybe the party will finally give maga the boot.  Maga needs to go.  As long as maga stays, I'm not voting for conservatives.

If you took a step back and had to explain the unhinged behavior of MAGA since Biden bowed out of the race, what would you say is the reason why they are so scared of Kamala Harris? Chances are that your response would be very similar to what Renamed said, just minced with more political correctness.

On the contrary, the example about democrats you provide in your post is an all-out blatant lie. Context matters in such comparisons.

You are bothered that people generalize Republicans, but at the same time you know that the party has thrown its full weight behind MAGA. That's why it shouldn't surprise you that the terms Republicans and MAGA are used interchangeably after last week's convention. You claim that "many of us do not agree with this direction", but that's not what the polling shows. Even most of you who don't agree will still vote for Trump. Of the remaining rest, most are only against it on the surface, meaning they have no intention to vote for the Democrats, even though that would be what they have to do to put an end to MAGA and get their old Republican party back.

The only Republicans with a backbone are those who will vote for Harris in November. If you were one of those, you wouldn't have had an issue with Renamed's post to begin with, because at that point you wouldn't associate yourself with the vast majority of Republicans anymore and therefore not play defense for them.

I think Biden was an easy target and easy win.  Which is why I was annoyed at him getting the green light.  So no, I don't think they are scared of women.  I think their easy win just went out the door.  

My view on democrats is as accurate as the nonsense Renamed posted, period.  

At some point people need to stop playing favorites because of sides.  His post was shit and you know it.  I know it, we all know it.  


The party has been hijacked, millions of us are aware and bothered by it.  Thus it isn't correct to group us.  The Nazi party were socialists.  that doesn't mean socialists are Nazis.  

I also fully expect many conservatives to either not vote for president or fully vote for Harris.  We do exist. 

Sweeping generalizations and shit posting is wrong, full stop.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 26 July 2024


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