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SanAndreasX said:
curl-6 said:

Another advantage the Wii had was that it had a bunch of smaller AA first/second party IPs that were absent on Wii U, stuff like Punch-Out, Battallion Wars 2, Excite Truck, Excite Bots, Wario Land, Pandora's Tower, and Sin & Punishment.

With the Wii U's tiny install base, these minor/niche franchises just weren't really viable.

Setting aside that issue, a lot of these franchises didn't sell well enough on the Wii to be continued, otherwise, Nintendo would have revived them on the Switch. Too many people were just there for Wii Sports or Wii Fit. Even Skyward Sword's sales were disappointing to Nintendo, and that was when the Wii had a 100 million install base.

That's not necessarily the case; sometimes an IP simply isn't brought back for a while because they don't have a good idea for it, or there isn't a team available to do it that has the necessary genre experience.

A number of smaller Wii titles did get followups; Endless Ocean for instance just a Switch entry, Excite Truck got a sequel on the Wii itself, the Wars series saw both a DS followup and a Switch remake, etc.

Skyward Sword was a highly divisive entry that required an add-on to play, it's not too surprising that sales suffered.