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G2ThaUNiT said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Yep. I still play Starcraft and Age of empires 3 from time to time and they are still fun. Civ 7 hitting consoles day one is a bad sign if ya ask me, they'll focus on the wrong things but hell, I wouldn't mind if they managed to make it more accessible in QoL and visual features but keeping the complexity and yeah, looking forward to Univorn Overlord when I can get around to it, Got a 7 hour demo installed so I'll definitely not be wasting my money if I don't gel with it. 

Same! Age of Mythology is probably my favorite Age game, but as far as mainline games go, AoE 3 is my favorite. Which is a pretty unpopular opinion lol. But StarCraft holds up beautifully! I would be playing Warcraft 3 religiously, my favorite game of all time, if Blizzard hadn't royally fucked up the remake! I still have my original boxed copy but it's pretty worthless since the license key was used 2 decades ago

Oooof. That is a huge concern for me with Civ 7. I wasn't a huge fan of Civ 6. The graphics and presentation were definitely made with mobile in mind. Gameplay was fun enough, but it was so obviously streamlined for mass market appeal. Holding out final judgement for the full reveal. I wish Sid Meier would make an Alpha Centauri 2, but I honestly don't know what level of development he does anymore these days.

Yes! Exactly. Warcraft 3 was so good but they ruined it, they forced the upgraded game and like all I wanted to do was play the same game I had when there was hype aroubd it. I haven't checked since though, maybe they allow the older vversion now. I think the two main series I'd wanna see come back is a new Black and white and some version of Spore, they'd really have to alter the latter though cause it had so many issues but what a great concept and man, I miss those old dungeon keeper games, some studio done a spiritual successor but it wasn't nearly as good, those were bad ass. 

Come to think of it, I haven't booted up my laptop in a month and all this talk of RTSs has made me hungry. Is there anything new that would run on hardware equivalent or slightly lesser than the base PS4? Or anything new that is good on PS4 itself. I seen something called Stranding Alien: Dawn on PS+ Catalogue and another called Grand ages: Evil. Any experience?