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I'm glad that Biden pulled out of the race, it was the only thing to do, and his mental faculties have been waning for years (I have no idea why a collective press were so against this notion until the debate with Trump, Biden has been spinning ever since he took office). However, I think Harris will also have a hard time, a somewhat young, black female. That's a tough sell across many demographics and in may territories.

In all of this, one thought that lingers in me is that I hope the democrats didn't toss Biden simply over worry over funding. There are few things more dangerous than making the right decision on the wrong grounds; he had to go because he was unfit (and has been for a long time) - not because sponsors made threats. If the latter is behind the decision, it sets a very poor precedent for the entire democratic process and underlying systems. It would clearly signal that, in actual fact, sponsors can dictate which candidates get through or not, which is a terrible foundation for any nation that dubs itself "free" and democratic. Lobbyist shenanigans are infamously present in the White House, but at least there's some discretion in it. Sponsors flagging down and forcing parties to discard candidates for monetary gain (or rather; to prevent monetary loss) would be an overt action of sabotage of several, base democratic principles. 

I'm watching the whole circus with a mix of interest and worry, and I can only empathize with you poor, reasonable souls who have to take part in this. Best of luck to you in the coming election.