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Leynos said:
curl-6 said:

Yeah the game itself didn't impress me at all, I was referring only to the graphics as being impressive. Same goes for Killzone Shadowfall and Ryse Son of Rome, the 8th gen's main graphical showcases at launch.

At least stuff like Gears of War, Bioshock, Uncharted, COD4, etc were actually great games.

That's the thing. Visuals are nice but when gameplay is sacrificed then what the fuck is the point. Others you mentioned are full-fledged games that use a lot of resources but are still managed from both a technical and art direction be impressive. I'm more impressed with Xenoblade X than Boring 1886. Not because I think it looks better on pure technical aspect. I was impressed Monolith made that game with Wii U hardware and 1GB of ram and it was far more stable than Fallout 4.

Yeah Xenoblade Chronicles X was one of the most impressive games of the 8th gen for me in how they managed to make such a massive and beautiful open world that you can fly through at high speeds with no loading screens on just 1GB of RAM. A real feat of engineering.