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About the Sonys fault for not taking advantage of the moment Nintendo failed. I hard disagree here. Playstation did everything they could to push JP third parties 

Majority of JP IPs from third parties reached their all time high sales during PS4 era. The expansion was mostly abroad however, because in Japan they surprisingly took a dive in sales. It's not like the quality of the games decreased, or that Sony dis not invest in their marketing and/or development 

Sony JP studios first party output was always pathetic, hence they closing or not was never an relevant point for Playstation sales tanking. Playstation survived from third parties mostly, those third parties lost popularity with time and made Playstation hardware look unnapealing which has been the case since PS3 days

It's not something that happened overnight, we could already see a decline as early as in the end of PS2 days when PSP launched and japanese market choose it instead of PS3. It's nobody's fault, it's just market and demographic dynamics that changed. The only thing that Sony is responsible for is for dipping their handheld line, which let's be frank they never had the talent or commitment to support

Guys here really took the "sad" part to the heart it seems. I personally find sad 70% of the best selling games every week belonging to a single publisher. This is just an opinion without any substance to even argue, you're entitled to just agree or disagree lolp