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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

I accept that other people are allowed to have different tastes to me. I'm cool with the UK not really caring for Nintendo for instance.

Again, selling 1 million or even 300-500k is actually good sales for a single country.

As for Japan only buying the same games and franchises, if you look at the highest selling games in America or Europe you'll also find mostly the same few big games and franchises dominating.

Yea but the US tends to be very open to actually trying new type of games. You can release some of the most  mind blowing games in japan like halo/metroid prime and it would still bomb because they are fps. There is no really catering to a audience in the US as long it's a quality game with good advertisement it will do great.

Everyone has their own standard for what is "quality" though. Plenty of games I consider to be excellent flopped in the West; Okami, Bayonetta, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Spec Ops: The Line, No More Heroes, Fatal Frame...

At the end of the day, everyone's tastes are different.