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SvennoJ said:

Using high level charmed mobs in Everquest's Gates of Discord.

They were very effective, fully buffed, sped up, dealing massive damage. Problem is charm is a random duration spell drawing a ton of agro. It could last for 10 minutes, it could last for 10 seconds. Without a group paying utmost attention to act as soon as the spell broke (without warning) I would suffer one hit death. Enchanters don't have much health nor armor, most things could 1 hit kill me.

Yet the reward made it worth the continued risk. Without the help of charmed mobs the group would face wipe outs much more often.

The other high risk high reward strategy was chain stunning mobs. Several people pulling mobs from across the zone to get caught in a chain stun field, repeating the same 3 different stun spells at the right frequency. Then wizards, magicians and druids could unleash there are of effect spells to kill groups of 30+ with the same resources as killing a couple.

But there was always the risk of some mobs randomly resisting one of the stun spells, which is where the warrior taunt came in and druid's snares to prevent them from jumping me, interrupting the chain of stun spells, which would free the whole crowd with the expected group wipe out following.

Back in the day when death had real consequences, risk of losing all your gear (if you couldn't retrieve your body in time, either lost or unable to get there again) and your experience, de-leveling you, losing access to spells and abilities. Even with 'full recovery' you could still easily lose hours of progress from death. Max resurrection by a high level cleric gave you 90% of experience loss back. Die a lot like an Enchanter and that 10% adds up.

Maybe having lived through that Souls games have never given me much satisfaction for beating bosses. That thrill is still back in Everquest. Now bosses just feel like annoying obstacles with nothing but a feeling of time wasted when finally getting past them.

I have no context for everquest but have you considered you may be depressed? Lol, I joke but seriously, if the boss isn't giving you satisfaction then why? Surely some bosses along the way have got your blood pumping? ... surely.