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KLXVER said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Most difficult boss I've ever fought. Took me three days and roughly a dozen hours or more to badly finish him. I can't even bring myself to replay this fight, it sends shivers up my spine. Only Metal Gear Rex as an 8 year old took me longer. 

Watching Sekiro I dont even know whats happening. I know the gameplay is blocking, dodging, parrying and attacking, but I dont get it. It looks and feels like you are doing nothing to him. A lot of that because of that metal hitting metal sound. In every other game that means you are doing no damage and are doing it wrong. I just cant get past that. Its so baked into me as a player.

There are two health meters. The main health and the posture health, you can chip away at the main health if you can get a cheeky hit in without the enemy deflecting and this will make posture bar harder to replenish or you can try and fill the enemies posture bar through deflect alone or a mix of both, every hit of the sword adds posture damage and this will lead to a death blow regardless of the main health. Bosses usually have two death blows you have to achieve. All the while, you have to manage your own posture bar and main health bar which works the same, the lower your main health the faster your posture will fill and the slower it will deplete. You get two trys like the boss does putting you on as even as feild as possible. Also, every deflect and sword hit fills the enemies posture bar, same for you as the player and once the posture breaks you get the death blow. 

It's actually an ingenious system because you have to time your posture to break at a point when the boss won't do a follow up attack while you're stun locked and decide on what's the best option at any point in the battle on the fly. It is one of the simplist combat mechanics in a game, there is little depth even though it seems there is on a systems level aside from what I mentioned but it leads to an extremely deep experience all the same. What really opens it up is there are peralious attacks  that you can't deflect (the red kanji) or can counter using a specific skill, then there are attacks you have to doge and skill arte attacks that go wild completely that you have to figure out a strategy with tools or some other means that works best for you. The RNG is incredible in the way that nothing becomes formulaic and you must be paying attention to make a split second decision at all times. If you can get this system to click for you, it really is worth the hump and time it'll take to do so, it's incredible and never gets old.

In this game, you aren't going to win by RNG fluke, nor over leveling (cause you can't) nor out building again cause you can't even though tools and skill based weapon arts can be considered a kind of build. What you will win on, is learning the fight and as they say "gitting gud". 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 09 July 2024