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curl-6 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

People are blinded. There has never been a time in gaming (even with the shitty aspects) than right now and that makes 8th gen the better gen simply because it's newer, instead People see through rose tented glasses what's essentially inferior. This reminds me of people who keep saying there are no games to play, ffs like, there literally has never been more new games to play, the problem is there are TOO many new games.

I would disagree with the notion that newer inherently means better.

By that logic, every modern game would be better than every old game, yet I'd contend that something like Super Mario World, Metroid Prime, or RE4 2005 wipes the floor with the majority of modern games. 

There are valid reasons for someone to prefer the 7th gen over the 8th; perhaps the new IPs of the 7th resonated with them more, perhaps their favourite developers or franchises were better in the 7th, perhaps they strongly dislike certain trends that were popular in the 8th, etc.

I don't mean that it's newer therefore it's better. I mean the gaming industry ballooned (with a lot of shite also) with a lot of great games even into niches like VR and racing sims, RTS's, strategy games, RPG's etc all getting multiple masterpieces or close to masterpieces. Indies became like AA experiences and boy is there ablot of them all the time, releasing like a waterfall. We got CRPG's back with Divinity OS laying the ground work and even more niche titles like Path Finder gaining success. The Witcher 3 bringing AAA like polish to open world RPG's. Multiple Sony top teir godly budget single player games. Nintendo redfined abload of it's IP's, something it was hesitant to change formulas on for way to long like BoTW. The souls series hit it's stride and then exceeded all expectations.

There are thousands of new games a year on steam and if you dig you can find gems. Every week there are new games to play and if nothing suits you or you aren't paying attention (cause there surely has to be something in the big pile) the next week is only a week away. As much as GaaS and Cacha games suck for me and probably you too, people find them and play them endlessly or for months at a time and speaking of that, we got a great MMO in FF14 which is competition for WoW through the 8th gen and WoW came back in a big way too for a bit. Every aspect and genre of gaming was improved with at least one game. The only aspect that sucked was Xbox but we've seen them lay the groundwork like the PS3 did for something better, there was fun and goodness there too.

The most niche games and genres becoming the most popular is indication that people now have visibility on what is good and not what's sold to them, even among the massive amount of lesser content that is being produced along side them. Publishers have to put out good games cause even the biggest hype can fall through on release day, or perhaps this is more of a newer 9th gen phenomena but one that was born in the 8th gen at least.