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If Nintendo plans to put the Switch to pasture it likely won't have a price cut after Switch 2 launches. If they decide they want to keep it around as a second "budget" option, they slash the price and keep supporting it with cross-gen titles(persoanlly, I think Metroid Prime 4 and the next Pokemon will be cross-gen).

I lean with the second option; that install base is just too juicy to leave behind without. The key here is the software - the Switch comfortably has the most 1M unit sellers for any console, with multiple niche 500k titles schooling behind. Until the software slows down after the successor, I believe they keep Switch on shelves with OLED at $200 and Lite at $150.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"