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Kyros said:
A pricecut before March 31st 2009 will be very surprising

Bah I remember a discussion with a guy in July 2007. He said Sony would never drop the price before march 2008. That was wrong then and it will be wrong this year.

They will OF COURSE drop the price for christmas. For how much, when exactly or in what form I have no idea. But if MS drops the price in America Sony will follow or they will make a new SKU around the 65nm GPU and make a new price for it. The PS3 won't have a 400$ entry price this christmas. That is sure.

BTW: The last guys you should believe are SONY statements. Nobody hints at price cuts before they happen.


You don't follow the news very often, do you?

At the presentation of the FY 2007 figures and later by Sony's CEO it was very clear that profitability is now the main strategy for Sony SCE. A pricecut will undermine that strategy. Shareholders won't like that.
You might not believe me, but at this moment profitability is the main focus, not marketshare. Sony already lost 3.3 billion dollars on the PS3, they won't go further than that.

The situation is much different from 2007. Then there were no official statements from Sony saying things must change and it was clear that the PS3 was a disaster and needed the pricecut. PS3 is doing reasonably well right now, so why on earth cut the price.

I don't have a clue where you get the "off course" from. Sounds more like wishful thinking to me. Sony only cares about Microsoft to a certain extend. Their own business and stakeholders are much more important.
Besides the shipment forecast already shows that they won't cut the price, since they'll easily make that target with the current price.

About your last statement: If Sony gives these official statements they are very beliveable since investors will read the same statements and base their investment decision on that. Sony will need a very good explanation if they cut the price and make a loss on the SCE division.