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zorg1000 said:
MadDogg said:

And of the list that have shipped more than 15.7 MM in a fiscal year how many have done that in year 7?  Maybe PS2?  Gameboy?

it’s an unbelievable number, and to describe it as poor is completely disconnected from reality. 

that being said, switch sales are primed to drop off significantly.  Will be interesting to see what incentives, or marketing strategies (that they mentioned in their fiscal year end meeting) Nintendo will employ this fiscal to make 13.5 remotely attainable. 

PS1, GBA, DS, Wii, PS4 were all dead/dying by their 7th full fiscal year. PS2 did 14.2m so not far off from Switch.

That just leaves GB which ironically was on the verge of death in year 7 before Pokemania & the Color revision gave it a second life causing it to peak about a decade after launch.

Haha. So with context, the 15.7 MM sales of the switch in its 7th year are the best ever sales (or top 2, depending on gb sales) ….and it is described as poor. 

Im not even a Nintendo guy. This is just fun and impressive to watch and acknowledging it doesn’t detract from other systems. 

regardless end of this fiscal switch should be at around 152 MM as a lowball. Which is amazing. 

nintendo loves a cash cow. I can’t see them discontinuing production or support for several years. Although the ds dropped off a cliff. 

so many factors!  Not reaching 160MM seems much more unlikely than reaching it. 

and credit to Sonys former CEO. We are all citing a made up number in 160MM as the bar. It’s really 155. Effective goal post moving!