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BFR said:

Based on my research, I found that the US cannot have a runoff election, from Reddit:

"The US already has a system for holding a runoff election for POTUS and it is written into the federal constitution. If the Electoral College does not award the 270 majority to any candidate, the three candidates with the greatest number of EC votes are placed before the House of Representatives. The House then votes by state (1 vote per state) to determine the winner. This was used a few times in the 19th century. I’m not aware of it being used in the 20th century."
As a declared Reagan Republican (RR), I have no fear of a new Trump presidency. He won in 2016 and we weren't forced out then, and we won't be again if he happens to win in 2024. We will outlast him. Which means we will bite our tongues and keep to the shadows until his reign ends.
AND Trump's reign will end soon, and so will the reign of MAGA Republicans (MR). There is no successor to Trump to lead the MR movement.  When his political career is over, so ends MAGA.
So, best case scenario, MAGA and Trump go away this Nov.. Worst case scenario, they both go away in Jan 2029.  Either way, I don't care as long as MAGA dies.
One more thing, Rol, yes, I have been a Republican all my life, that being said, can you tell me why I voted for Al Gore in 2000?
Final thoughts:
Reagan's legacy will outlast and outshine Trump's legacy:
Reagan - won the Cold War and defeated the Soviet Union
Trump - got impeached twice and half built a wall on the Mexico border

I apologize to all for this fucked up formatting, it looks fine before I submit it. WTF ?

When it concerns the American election procedure, I think it's necessary to reiterate that a third party has no realistic chance under the current rules of "winner takes all." While what you say is correct about the current rules, it's also true that the rules would need to be changed. But once you change from an electoral college vote to the popular vote, you might as well adopt the run-off rules if no candidate attains a majority of the votes in the first round. Obviously, it's extremely hypothetical to talk about viable third parties, because neither the democrats nor republicans who would have to write such a change into law have no interest whatsoever in doing this.

As for the end of Trump's reign, it's unfortunately not so simple. Trump's first tenure was one hell of a mess as he and his yes-man went into the presidency very unprepared. But this time around there is a plan and there's already the advantage of a supreme court stacked in favor of MAGA. The plan includes getting rid of RRs in federal institutions to replace them with MRs. This means there's a high chance that RRs will be done for good by 2029.

And do tell why you voted Al Gore.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.