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Airaku said:

The gameplay looks great. A little bit of Mirrors Edge mixed with the James Bond games of the Game Cube/PS2/Xbox era. Looks like we are getting to use spy gadgets like in Agent Underfire or Nightfall. Been a while since we had a good spy FPS. Though like James Bond they can't help but keep recasting Johanna Dark as if she's a different person every time. This new design isn't good and I hope the fan-base can pull a Sonic movie because this is just.... terrible. Her design reminds me more of something that would be a female spartan in Halo or Call of Duty. More military and less slick and sexy spy thriller which is what Perfect Dark is meant to be. At least they got her iconic pistol and her suit is still recognizable to some extent. Going for realism might not mix well with the IP.

Gameplay looks promising, a style that's been lacking since Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. It's good to see some devs taking up this genre again. Clearly not an easy genre to attempt.

It seems to be a talking point and I can agree to an extent. I don't mind how she looks now; I think they are making her look like an actual person in a realistic world they are building. They did try making her sexy in Perfect Dark: Zero but it just didn't work for me. The N64 Joanna was a mature looking lady that was not over the top in design, and it worked for that world. For this Reboot, I want them to give me a look that makes me believe that she's a believable futuristic spy and from what we saw, she looks like an actual person, but it is going to come down to the personality and acting. Can she deliver the N64 Joanna style?

Will have to wait and see, but I am excited regardless. Perfect Dark was always about the gameplay.