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BFR said:

I don't understand why some of you are advocating for a 3rd party in the USA.  Hell, as things stand now, the USA is basically divided 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats. If a 3rd party were to emerge, the country would likely be divided along the lines of 33/33/33.  If that were to happen, then even more gridlock would become the norm in DC, and even less would get done than what gets done today. 

That's not how it works. More than two options result in a less divided political landscape, especially because a lot of the binary views get eliminated. You get more nuance instead.

Right now the USA has the democrats and the MAGA party. Let's call it that, because the republican party has so dramatically changed over the course of the past decade.

As things stand right now, any potential viable third party would certainly not be further on the right of the political spectrum than MAGA. Therefore it would be a party that the democrats could work with on the basis of compromises. Then your hypothetical 33/33/33 split turns into a 67/33 split against MAGA on many topics and that means a lot more would be getting done than gets done today.

Too bad that it's unrealistic for any third party to become viable in the USA, because things aren't decided by popular vote.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.