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Ryuu96 said:

In 2024, 23 Allies are expected to meet or exceed the target of investing at least 2% of GDP in defence

23/32. Trump will either take credit for this (when it was actually Russia who caused it) or he will move the goalpost.

He also said some shit about America sending more than Europe to Ukraine which is true but Biden's response should have been about GDP, that in terms of a % of GDP, America is ranked #16...So sure, some countries aren't meeting 2% of defence spending but when it has came down to it, 15 countries are beating America in an actual real-threat scenario and putting their money where their mouth is.

Not to forget that European countries have other spendings as well which USA doesn't have. Poland and Germany alone already spent 50 billion for Ukrainian refugees which is already almost as much as USA's whole spending in military and financial help for Ukraine and USA's GDP is like 5x as big as that of these two countries. So yeah, USA is spending more than all European countries together for direct military help but if you look at everything and also count the EU budget and not only the budget of every single country (because that obviously also comes from EU countries) then Europe is easily investing way more than USA. 

So just as example for Germany if you count their share of EU fundings for Ukraine, own military and financial help and refugee costs, Germany alone almost reaches USA's whole numbers and USA's GDP is 7x as big. And countries like Poland, Estonia and so on do even more compared to their financial possibilities. 

But yeah, facts don't matter because most in USA will never care to check the real numbers. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - 4 days ago