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IcaroRibeiro said:
LegitHyperbole said:

At Level 210 NG+ and the DLC feels easier than normal game at Level 170. Like, waaaaay easier. Just killed the same enemy that made me rage quit no problem. Maybe I'm in better form but I see chunks of health coming out of enemies now where it was chip damage before. Scadu is only one Level higher too, Idk what the maths are but NG+ doesn't effect things in the games favour. 

Maybe your build now is better? 

I started on NG at level 170 and damage output was never a problem for me 

Holy shit, you made 58 levels in the DLC, damn. I'll have to give in and explore it and nah, it's not my build. The consecrated snow feild/farum azusa and end game stuff in the base game is actually more difficult now, or feels it anyway.

My build is better also, so that indeed probably helps.